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Tieben, N. (2010): Transitions, Tracks and Transformations Social inequality in transitions into, through and out of secondary education in the Netherlands for cohorts born between 1914 and 1985. Nijmegen: ICS Dissertation [Download pdf from Radboud repository]
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (*SSCI)
* Mikus, K., Tieben, N., Schober, P. (2019): Children’s conversion of cultural capital into educational success: the symbolic and skill-generating functions of cultural capital. British Journal of Sociology of Education (online first).
* Atlay, C., Tieben, N., Fauth, B., and Hillmert, S. (2019): The Role of Socioeconomic Background and Prior Achievement for Students’ Perception of Teacher Support. British Journal of Sociology of Education 40/7, 970-991.
* Atlay, C., Tieben, N., Hillmert, S., and Fauth, B. (2019): Instructional quality and achievement inequality: How effective is teaching in closing the social achievement gap? Learning and Instruction (online first).
* Tieben, N. (2019): Non-completion, transfer, and dropout of traditional and “non-traditional” students in Germany. Research in Higher Education (online first).
* Tieben, N. and Knauf, A.K. (2019): Die Studieneingangsphase Studierender mit vor-tertiärer beruflicher Ausbildung: allgemeiner und fachspezifischer Kenntnisstand und Studienvorbereitung. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 22/2, 347-371.
Scholten, M. and Tieben, N. (2017): Vocational qualification as safety‑net? Education‑to‑work transitions of higher education dropouts in Germany. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 9/7, 1-17.
* Deindl, C. and Tieben, N. (2016): Cultural and Material Resources of Parents and Grandparents and the Educational Outcome of Grandchildren. Journal of Marriage and Family 79/3, 769-783.
Tieben, N. and Rohrbach-Schmidt, D. (2014): Die berufliche Höherqualifizierung in den Abschlussjahrgängen 1960-1999: Effekte der sozialen Herkunft und Folgen der Bildungsexpansion. Sozialer Fortschritt 63/4-5, 117-123. [JSTOR]
* Tieben, N., Hofäcker, D. and Biedinger, N. (2013): Social mobility and inequality in the life course: Exploring the relevance of context. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30/2, 1-6.
* Schneider, S. and Tieben, N. (2011): A healthy sorting machine? Social inequality in the transition to upper secondary education in Germany. Oxford Review of Education 37/2, 139-166. [JSTOR]
* Tieben, N. (2011): Parental resources and relative risk aversion in intra-secondary transitions in the Netherlands – A trend analysis of non-standard educational decision situations. European Sociological Review 27/1, 31-42. [JSTOR]
* Tieben, N. and Wolbers, M. H. J. (2010): Transitions to post-secondary and tertiary education in the Netherlands: a trend analysis of unconditional and conditional socio-economic background effects. Higher Education 60/1, 85-100. [JSTOR]
* Tieben, N. and Wolbers, M. H. J. (2010): Success and failure in secondary education. Effects of family background on secondary school outcome in the Netherlands, 1927-1998. British Journal of Sociology of Education 31/3, 277-290. [JSTOR]
* Tieben, N., de Graaf, P. M. and de Graaf, N. D. (2010): Changing effects of family background on transitions to secondary education in the Netherlands. Consequences of educational expansion and reform. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 28/1, 77-90.
* Jacob, M. and Tieben, N. (2009): Social selectivity of track mobility in secondary schools. A comparison of intra-secondary transitions in Germany and the Netherlands. European Societies 11/5, 747-773.
* Tieben, N., Hofäcker, D., and Biedinger, N. (2013): Social mobility and inequality in the life course: Exploring the relevance of context. Special Issue Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 32/1.
Tieben, N. (2016): Verbleibe und Berufsstatus von Studienabbrechern mit und ohne vor-tertiärer Berufsausbildung. Datenreport 2016, Schwerpunkt Studienabbrecher. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 409-415.
Jacob, M. and Tieben, N. (2010): Wer nutzt die Durchlässigkeit zwischen verschiedenen Schulformen? Soziale Selektivität bei Schulformwechseln und nachgeholten Schulabschlüssen. In: Becker, B. / Reimer, D. (Hg.): Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. Die Generierung von ethnischen und sozialen Disparitäten in der Bildungsbiographie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 145-179.
Scholten, M. and Tieben, N. (2017): Labour Market Outcomes of Higher-Education Dropouts in Germany, How formal Vocational Qualifications Shape Education-to-Work Transitions and Occupational Status. Mannheim: MZES Working Paper 168.
Tieben, N. (2016): Studienverlauf, Verbleib und Berufsstatus von Studienabbrechern. Expertise zum Datenreport. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung.
Jacob, M. and Tieben, N. (2007): Social selectivity of track mobility in secondary schools. A comparison of intra-secondary transitions in Germany and the Netherlands. MZES Working Paper 105: Mannheim: MZES.