BUKKSS-ExpertenkolloquiumINCHER, Kassel: Studienabbruch – und dann? Modellierungsstrategien zum Übergang nach dem Studienabbruch
Transitions in Youth (TIY) Network, Mannheim: (How) Did YOU waste your time? A sequence analysis of transitions from secondary to higher education in Germany
AMCIS, Amsterdam: Organized leisure activities and cognitive and non-cognitive skills during early childhood
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Seoul: Do they see what they want to see? Relationship between socioeconomic background and student’s perception of teaching quality
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Seoul: Time outside preschool: the influence of organized leisure activities on children‘s academic competencies in Germany
LUASB Abbruch, Umbruch, Aufbruch? Bonn: How did you waste your time? Übergänge von der Sekundarstufe in die Hochschule. Eine Sequenzdatenanalyse mit der NEPS-Startkohorte
BMBF Fachtagung Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch, Berlin: Studienverläufe Studierender mit vor-tertiärer Berufsausbildung
Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF),Heidelberg: Channels of reproduction: Parents‘ transmission of cultural capital and children‘s conversion of cultural capital into high educational performance
Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF),Heidelberg: Instructional quality and achievement inequality: How effective is teaching on closing the achievement gap in Germany?
Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF),Heidelberg: Die Studieneingangsphase Studierender mit vortertiärer beruflicher Ausbildung: allgemeiner und fachspezifischer Kenntnisstand, Erwartungen an das Studium und Studienzufriedenheit
BMBF Fachtagung Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch,Berlin: Modelle und Methoden zur Beschreibung und Prognose von Studienabbrüchen
Research Colloquium,NIFU Oslo: Should I stay or should I go? Destinations after higher education non-completion. The role of social background and pre-tertiary educational pathways
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28,Köln: Channels of reproduction: Parents‘ transmission of cultural capital and children‘s conversion of cultural capital into high educational performance
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28,Köln: Instructional quality and achievement inequality: How effective is teaching on closing the achievement gap in Germany?
Makrosoziologisches Kolloquium, Universität Leipzig: Übergänge nach dem Abbruch des Erststudiums. Die Rolle der sozialen Herkunft und vor-tertiärer Berufsausbildungen
Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS), Bamberg: Should I stay or should I go? Destinations after higher education non-completion. The role of social background and pre-tertiary educational pathways
Transitions in Youth (TIY) Network, Trento: Should I stay or should I go? Destinations after higher education non-completion. The role of social background and pre-tertiary educational pathways
Forschungskolloquium Empirische Sozialforschung, Universität Konstanz: Studienabbruch aus institutioneller und individueller Perspektive
Workshop Ausbildung oder Studium, BiBB Bonn & Ev. Akademie Loccum: Doppelqualifikation als Versicherungsstrategie? Studienabbrecher mit und ohne berufliche Qualifikation beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt
Forschungskolloquium, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung Bonn: Doppelqualifikation als Versicherungsstrategie? Studienabbrecher mit und ohne berufliche Qualifikation beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt
LEAD Retreat, Bad Urach: Sociology and Economics at the Interface of Educational Science: Education, Life Course Development, and Social Disparities
Forschungskolloquium, DZHW Hannover: (Um-)Wege in die Hochschule und Studienerfolg
(Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered, Ascona: Effect of extent and type of labour force participation on progress in higher education
European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR), Berlin: Higher education non-completion in Germany in times of economic crises
Transitions in Youth (TIY) Network, Barcelona: Higher education non-completion in Germany in times of economic crises
Transitions in Youth (TIY) Network, Barcelona: Effect of extent and type of labour force participation on higher education drop out and delayed graduation in Germany
International Sociological Association/World Congress, Yokohama: Labour market returns of higher education dropouts: Human capital or signalling?
PAIRFAM, München: Intergenerational mobility and inter-generational relationships
Transitions in Youth (TIY) Network, Berlin: Labour market returns of higher education dropouts: Human capital or signalling?
American Sociological Association (ASA), New York: Effects of cultural and material resources on educational outcome across three generations in Europe
ECSR, Stockholm: Intergenerational educational mobility and partner choice in the Netherlands
ECSR, Stockholm: Pathways into tertiary education: Gender- and background-specific consequences for drop-out propensity
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Hong Kong: Cultural and material resources of parents and grandparents: Effects on educational outcomes across three generations in 11 European countries
PSID conference “Inequality across Multiple Generations”, Ann Arbor: Educational inequality across three generations: Transfer of family resources and context conditions
StaBil Workshop „Ungleiches Bildungserbe“, Bremen: Bildungs- und Erwerbsverläufe von Studienabbrechern
European Sociological Association (ESA), Geneva: Cultural and material resources of parents and grandparents: Effects on educational outcome across three generations in 11 European countries
European Sociological Association (ESA), Geneva: Intergenerational educational mobility and partner choice in the Netherlands
SHARE User Meeting, Tallinn: Cultural and material resources of parents and grandparents: Effects on educational outcome across three generations in 11 European countries
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Haifa: Transitions into upper secondary education in Germany
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Beijing: Transitions to post-secondary education in the Netherlands: A trend analysis of unconditional and conditional socio-economic background effects
Forschungskolloquium, MZES Mannheim: Transitions to post-secondary education in the Netherlands: A trend analysis of unconditional and conditional socio-economic background effects
Equalsoc “Differentiation in Higher Education”, Mannheim: Transitions to post-secondary education in the Netherlands: A trend analysis of unconditional and conditional socio-economic background effects
Workshop „Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule“, MZES Mannheim: Wer nutzt die Durchlässigkeit zwischen verschiedenen Schulformen? Soziale Selektivität bei Schulformwechseln und nachgeholten Schulabschlüssen
ISOL – Workgroup social inequality and the life-course, Utrecht: Changing effects of family background on transitions to secondary education in the Netherlands. Consequences of educational expansion and reform
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Florence: Success and Failure in Secondary Education Effects of family background on secondary school outcome in the Netherlands 1927-1998
Forschungskolloquium, MZES Mannheim: Track Mobility in Secondary Schools. A comparison of intra-secondary transitions in Germany and the Netherlands
Dag van de Sociologie, Rotterdam: Modernization, Marshall Plan or Mammoth Law: An intervention study on trends in family background effects on transitions to secondary education in the Netherlands
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Brno: Track Mobility in Secondary Schools. A comparison of intra-secondary transitions in Germany and the Netherlands
ECSR Summer School, Prague: School choice in secondary education a cross-cohort comparison of transition probabilities into secondary education in the Netherlands
International Sociological Association/Research Committee 28, Nijmegen: Trends in the effects of material and cultural resources on final educational attainment in the Netherlands