Dr. Dominik Roland Buttler

Dr. Dominik Roland Buttler
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter
Institut für Soziologie

Focus in research and teaching

  • Labour economics
  • School-to-work transition
  • Happiness economics
  • Economics of charity
  • Applied microeconometrics

Short Bio:

In 2010, I defended my PhD thesis at the Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland). My research focused on analysing the significance of voluntary work experiences for the career development of young individuals entering the labour market. This analysis utilized micro data from German (SOEP) and British (BHPS) panel studies. Subsequently, I joined the Department of Labour and Social Policy at PUEB, where I currently hold the position of associate professor after accomplishing the habilitation procedure based on the series of publications "Research on the Quality of Work of Young People". I am presently on sabbatical leave there.

My research interests persist in the realm of (micro) labour economics, particularly concentrating on the transition from school to work, happiness economics, and the economics of charity. I have actively participated in numerous national and international research projects.

Starting from March 1st, 2023, I am employed at the LUH Institute of Sociology as a research fellow. I am engaged in the research project titled "PATHS2INCLUDE: European Labour Markets under Pressure - New Insights into Pathways for Inclusion of Individuals in Vulnerable Situations", funded by Horizon Europe. In this project, led by Professor Christian Imdorf, I am investigating the organizational context of labour market discrimination.